Ditto stands for open access to knowledge.
In means of both connecting and sharing with community, the company organizes and realizes workshops, both for professional and amateurs, in the fields of:
dance technique, improvisation, composition, theatre, cinema and yoga.
The workshops are organized, independently or after request, through the year and are taking place in various venues in Greece and abroad.
Experienced professionals with a strong desire to share and promote knowledge lead the workshops.
For information about past or upcoming workshops go to Create/News
Monday 18.30 - hatha yoga 20.00 - vinyasa yoga
Forty Love Tennis Club dITTO house
Tuesday 15.00 - flow yoga
Gaz Symphony
Wednesday 11.30 - yoga 18.30 - hatha yoga 20.00 - vinyasa yoga
dITTO house Foty Love Tennis Club dITTO house
Thursday 15.00 - flow yoga
Gaz Symphony
Friday 11.30 - yoga
dITTO house
dITTO house
Paleologou 27, Voula
Gaz Symphony
Aristophanous 1, Psyrri (metro Monastiraki)
Forty Love Athens Grand Tennis Club
Iktinou, Koropi
Weekly Schedule 2013-2014